Thursday, December 23, 2010

November 25, 2010: Thanksgiving!

A few days before Thanksgiving, we watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" on TV. As I was sitting there making my list of what to make and the timeline, I thought to myself, "Maybe this year we'll just do a Charlie Brown-style Thanksgiving: toast, popcorn, jelly beans, and pretzels. John can set the table just like Snoopy did, by shuffling the plates and throwing them all out."

With Griffin still quite sick, we declined all other offers by family to join them and decided to just do it at our house. I had said that we were going to do something simple, each person's favorite or what they can't do without for Thanksgiving. We still ended up with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, Parker House rolls, corn, salad, cranberry relish, sweet potatoes, and egg nog. Our simple dinner still took nearly 8 hours of cooking--and was devoured in 20 minutes. Well, not devoured. We still had leftovers for a couple of days, which is the BEST part of the holiday!

We took a few pictures to send to Ian, not meaning for him to become homesick, but to compare what his Thanksgiving looked like.

Ian's Thanksgiving consisted of pizza and a kilo of ice cream. He said they don't have turkey there and if they found it, they couldn't afford it. Well, he looks happy enough to me!

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