Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 12, 2010: Griffin at the Dentist

Having had his first check up in quite a while (we always avoid them due to the enormous expense usually associated with them and his reluctance to let anyone near his mouth), we were thrilled to find out that he only had 6 cavities and that most of them would be able to be treated without anesthetic. Through the use of modern medicine (valium and nitrous oxide), he was able to sit through 3 of the 6 fillings in a half hour. He was even happy enough to head right back to school!

This is huge. I can't even express how huge this is. He used to have to be sedated (really, complete with IV) and the bills were unbelievable. When they told me the total cost, I nearly fell over--not because of how high it was, but because it was an amount we could actually afford!

He'll go back next week to get the rest of them done. We're so proud!

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