Saturday, October 31, 2009

From Dark to Dark (October 31)

Happy Halloween! Our day started very early as we prepared to take Ian to the Mount Timpanogos temple to receive his endowments. It was a surreal experience. I just don't feel old enough to have a child ready to go on with this step in life. I was thrilled to have the bishop and his wife, my friend, Michelle, come so I had someone to sit with. I couldn't believe how hard my heart was pounding at certain times. An overwhelming morning.

From there, we went to our "Joseph" practice. The performance is two weeks from today and there's still lots of work to be done. This Wednesday we will be doing the play straight through for the first time. John has been asked to be the stage manager, so with the little ones in the primary choir now, it's a full-on family affair. Mags was able to come and learn the song her group is performing in (One More Angel in Heaven) and I even get to participate in that one!

I got back from the practice around 2:30, in time to help decorate our doorstep for Halloween, find costume pieces here and there, and get ready for our Halloween dinner. Ellie went trick-or-treating with a friend, meeting at 3 to get ready for the big event. This year she dressed up in such a way as to be able to use the mask she got in Venice. Quite a stunner, that girl is.

Griffin and John and I went out around 5:30. This year, Griffin wanted to be a "Pumpkin Man." After digging deeper to find out what that entailed, I convinced him to maybe find a different option. While we were out, he saw a Jango Fett costume and decided THAT was what he wanted to be. I used my mask this year, too, and John went as a father forced to go trick-or-treating with his wife and son who would rather be home watching the Phillies game.

The moon rising over the mountains Halloween eve.

It's now after 10 pm, my feet and legs are tired, my blog is caught up, and I have early morning meetings tomorrow. It was dark when the day began and it's dark when it's over. Good night!

1 comment:

leila said...

Welcome back to Utah and your blog!! I miss your updates and love hearing and seeing what you are up to!! I think the picture of the kids with their arms around each other is definitely a Xmas card candidate!! Leila