Monday, June 1, 2009

The Big BANG!!!!

Around 1 this afternoon, Ian and I were watching E3 on TV when the power flickered and we heard a big BANG! I thought, "That's no ordinary outage" and we took off outside. Not able to see anything, we (Griffin, Snowflake and I) started walking around the block while Ian went back to get in the car because he didn't want to walk around in bare feet. He found the first problem and came round to pick us up and show us. There was a small downed line about a block down the road. As we went back, we saw that our street was blocked off on both ends and that he would have to park elsewhere. And then, we saw what REALLY happened.

A trailer had gone down the street to pick up a car our neighbors were getting rid of. Apparently not aware that there were low lines connecting the cable/electric wires to the other side of the street, the wires were caught on the upper tier, pulling down wires in both directions and causing them to come down in our backyards. As block captain, I got to go house to house and make sure everyone was okay and to instruct them to NOT go in their backyards until we were given the a-ok. That came at around 6:30 tonight when all the wires were finally fixed.

It was an exciting way to spend our first full day of summer vacation!

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