The next day, I had to take Mags to the doctor since she had had a horrible cough since girls camp and hadn't gotten any better. I took Griffin along so he could get a weight check and also so the doctor could "check out his toe." As he and I were talking in the waiting room, he made it VERY clear that if it involved needles, he didn't want it to be looked at.
After Maggie was seen and diagnosed with bronchitis, it was Griffin's turn. He got up on the table and she looked at his toe. Yep, it was broken. She taped it to the next toe and then we wrapped it with an ace bandage to give it a little protection. I reflected on his Sunday shoes and felt terrible. It really must have been painful. At our house, Sunday morning typically comes with lots of excuses: cough, cough; wheeze, wheeze; spleen, spleen. It's the usual joke of the day. Another boy who cried wolf situation. In my defense, though, I didn't know about any of the events on Saturday.
He was happy to have a reason to keep his feet up for the rest of the day and had his mom wrapped around his finger the whole time.
what the heck happened???
I was teaching a friend how to blog and insert pictures. I knew I was going to do that post, so just gave a general overview and came back to fix it later. Sorry! Didn't think anyone would notice that fast. Way to keep me on my toes.
The key phrase is, "I didn't know anything about this. . ." That means it's not a sin, it's not a transgression, it's not an "on purpose" as Dan would say (as opposed to an accident). You're not a bad mom you're just not omniscient--yet.
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