Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat!
GPS and Food Clubs
I told my GPS kids that if they found our cache hidden by Krispy Kreme and the Comfort Inn, I'd get each of them a doughnut. I think they found it in record time!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Annual Primary Sacrament Meeting Program
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." In May, my mom had surgery on her neck. I helped take care of her while her neck healed. I massaged her feet, helped her get things she couldn't, and would make sure she was okay. I felt really happy inside because it made her feel better. Heavenly Father was happy because I was doing something my mom couldn't do. Serving someone shows you love them and also that I love Jesus because I'm helping others. The more you help others, the more you love them. I love my mom because I helped her, and she loves me too because I helped her. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
As he got down, he started to walk the long way back to his seat, then came back, stood in front of the Bishop and extended his hand. The Bishop shook his hand and he returned to his seat.
Ellie did a great job on her part as well. She was able to memorize her part and presented it clearly and at just the right speed so that people could understand it without any difficulty. Memorization is a forte of hers and she did a great job.
Ian and Maggie participated with the other youth in singing "Latter-Day Prophets" with the primary kids.
In Sunday School, we talked about 3 Nephi 17-19 and how we are asked to be as little children. I immediately thought of Griffin who must have been thinking in his mind, "Oh, I should shake the Bishop's hand. That's the right thing to do." He did what he did because he believed it was right and what he should do. Growing up, I made a lot of choices based on "it's the right thing to do." I still do that. Saturday we had the opportunity to provide lunch for an Eagle project that was going much longer than expected. We did it because it was the right thing to do. We attend our meetings because it's the right thing to do. We say our prayers, read our scriptures, serve our fellow man because it's the right thing to do. If Griffin learns nothing else, maybe just knowing "Because it's the right thing to do . . . " is enough.
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Little George Lucas
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How Sweet It Is
Now I can start coming up with errands for him to run!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cool School of the Week
Young Women in Excellence
The theme was "Happily Ever After," so they were crowned princesses at the end of the program. Maggie was a princess because she's so talented and makes everyone around her laugh and is so easy to talk to. You go, girl!
Everyone Clear the Road!
The hint had said that it was a microcache and that it was magnetic, so we looked all around the statue, with no luck. We came to the front and looked all around the words. Nothing. Then I started looking in the little tiny holes. Bingo!
It was so small! I couldn't believe that was really it, but we pulled it out, opened it, and found a teeny scroll of paper for a log.
They couldn't believe there could be a cache so small and that we actually found it. I'm so glad we did, because I think if we hadn't, I may not have had any students come back the next week. But our next one is right by Krispy Kreme and I told them if we found it, I'd buy them each a doughnut.
On our way back, we passed this lovely Halloween display. I think it's so clever!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ian Wins the $10!
Here's the Wall-E cake from Griffin's birthday.
Griffin's Cat Walk Prize
We all started on the yellow line and waited for him to count down so we could go. I figured being the only LICENSED driver (although Ian did pass his test last week--yippee!), Griffin and I would totally win.
Let me say right now, Ellie is not getting her license until she's at least 18. She lapped Griffin and I four times! Here she is coming up to pass Griffin and I and then passing Ian. She's a little speed demon! (I'm busting out laughing just typing this and remembering her little smile and laugh as she would pass us. I would be laughing every time she would speed by us and could hardly breathe by the time we finished my stomach was so sore from laughing.)
Ian passed us once.
Maggie wins the safe driving award, not passing anyone or running into anything. (For the record, I didn't pass anyone or hit anything either. The kids were under strict orders not to hit me since my surgeon would probably freak out if he knew what I was doing.)
The indoor golf course has been transformed to a glow in the dark, under the sea themed course. It's not conducive to taking pictures with your cell phone (no, no luck finding the camera, although I've offered a $10 reward for its' safe return), but we did our best.
I won the night, over par by 2. Giffin was 23 over, so we brought up the rear. Overall, it was a great night full of fun and family. I'm so glad we made it a family prize this year. It was worth it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy Braces Off Day!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Are You Kidding?
Two Parties + Two Days = Too Much! (October 11)
Welcome to Italy! (October 10)
The Dreaded Semi-Annual Parent-Teacher Conference (October 8-9)
Griffin Turns 9! (October 7)
We love you, Griffin, and are so lucky to have you are part of our family!
The Blockbuster Dance is Back! (October 6)
With our schedules getting busier and Griffin spending all day in school, our trips to Blockbuster have been fewer and farther between. It's even more rare for him to be with me when I go. Last Monday, we asked if we could go again so he could get a couple movies (Speed Racer, Alvin and the Chipmunks) to watch. I reluctantly agreed, but we took off for Blockbuster. I was happy to see as we were leaving that he ran over to the cement block again to reprise his Blockbuster ance. This time, we got it on video. Enjoy!
What? Where is it? (September 30)